What is a Medical Massage?

A medical massage is a type of therapeutic treatment that helps manage pain in specific areas of the body. It also helps improve circulation and flexibility.

Unlike spa massages, medical massages are prescribed by a doctor. They also require a higher level of training.

It is an all-rounder therapy

Medical massage can help alleviate a wide range of health conditions and injuries. It can also help relieve stress and anxiety. Unlike spa massages, which are more general in their goals, medical massages have specific purposes and require a prescription from a doctor or physical therapist.

Myofascial release therapy is a medical massage technique that reduces tightness and tension in the myo-fascia. This technique helps treat myofascial pain syndrome, venous insufficiency, and other conditions. Its therapists will palpate the muscles, fascia, and skin to locate trigger points, which are tight bands of muscle that cause pain and dysfunction.

Medical massage is a comprehensive method of soft tissue mobilization that includes connective tissue massage (fascia mobilization), muscle massage, trigger point therapy, and reduction of high-skin density. Its therapists use gentle pressure and precise manipulation to ease pain, improve circulation, and relieve musculoskeletal problems. This type of massage can help treat a number of health conditions, including sciatic nerve neuralgia and impingement syndromes.

It helps you heal from previous injuries

A medical massage is different from a spa massage because it aims to manage pain in a particular area. It also improves circulation, digestion, and flexibility and releases nerve compression. It also helps to remove toxins from your body, which can prevent future problems.

A good massage increases capillarisation, which is the process of increasing the size of your blood vessels. This allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach the injury site, speeding up healing. It can also help reduce the build-up of scar tissue and relieves tension in the muscles.

When you are injured, your body creates collagen fibres to repair the damage. These fibres are tough in texture and lay across the direction of your muscle fibres. Medical massage uses specialised techniques to break down these fibres and increase the normal function of your soft tissues. It can also reduce pain caused by inflammation and sprains. It can even help with the recovery of rotator cuff injuries.

It relieves migraines

If you suffer from migraines, a medical massage can be helpful. This treatment has been shown to relieve migraine pain, improve sleep and reduce stress. It also helps relieve trigger points and reduces hypersensitivity in muscles and tissue. In addition, it may help treat fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions.

A medical massage is different from a spa massage, as it’s done in a doctor’s office or clinic under the supervision of a physician. A doctor will provide information about your condition to the therapist before the session begins. This is necessary to ensure that the treatment will be safe and effective.

A massage can help reduce the frequency of migraines by calming the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body’s involuntary response to stress and danger. In turn, this can lower blood pressure and increase circulation. Additionally, a massage can ease the symptoms of nausea and back pain and reduce preterm contractions in pregnant women.

It helps break down scar tissue

Scar tissue is a natural part of the healing process but can create adhesions that are painful and limit movement. Massage therapy can help break down these adhesions and promote better movement.

Medical massages help with a variety of conditions, including plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow and high blood pressure. They also improve muscle tone, flexibility and hand grip strength. They are especially helpful for people with repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.

Medical massages are best performed two to three weeks after surgery when scars are still forming and have no scabs. However, they can be done after this point as well. Massage can increase the flow of oxygen to the scar tissue, which helps break down adhesions and promote re-alignment of collagen fibers. The results are often immediate. The technique uses techniques such as cross-friction massage and myofascial release to manipulate the tissue. It can be used as a standalone treatment or as a supplement to other treatments.

Medical Massage Pensacola


Massages in Pensacola

A medical massage is a type of therapeutic treatment that helps manage pain in specific areas of the body. It also helps improve circulation and flexibility. Unlike spa massages, medical massages are prescribed by a doctor. They also require a higher level of training. It is an all-rounder therapy Medical massage can help alleviate a…